My brothers and I had the joy and pleasure of growing up with our maternal grandmother. Like most kids we quizzed granny about what our mother was like as a child. Granny respond her Monica was a perfect child. Perfect?!? No matter how much we prodded, teased or joked granny stood by her perfect daughter. I always wondered how could my mother have been a perfect child?
Well a good thing has come to and end. I type this as I sit in the airport reminiscing about this glorious trip. Day seven was wistful but fun. The consensus amongst the Scott boys of São Paulo is that we don’t want to go home.
Today was a quiet day for us in São Paulo. Instead of bouncing around the city we stayed close to our hotel and did some shopping.
Today was the day we’ve been waiting for: England v Uruguay. Finally, the day the whole trip was about is here. We woke up this morning with extra bounce in our step. We were going to see a World Cup match.
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Wait how did day four get here already? How can this be? I’m having fun but time should not be flying by like this. There’s still do much to do and see.